Aeration Wand - SFT11 Sintered 316L stainless steel micro bubble air stone ozone diffuser aerator .5um with 1/4” MFL – HENGKO

Aeration Wand - SFT11 Sintered 316L stainless steel micro bubble air stone ozone diffuser aerator .5um with 1/4” MFL – HENGKO

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

Maikutlo (2)

Sepheo sa rona sa mantlha ke ho fa bareki ba rona kamano e tebileng le e nang le boikarabelo ea khoebo e nyane, ho fana ka tlhokomelo ea botho ho bona kaofela bakeng saSefe ea Bronze , Mohloli oa letsoho oa Co2 , Electrochemical Hydrogen Sensor, Rea u amohela ho haha ​​lenyalo la nako e telele le rona.Molemo ka ho Fetisisa oa Ka ho sa Feleng oa boleng bo holimo Chaena.
Aeration Wand - SFT11 Sintered 316L stainless steel micro bubble air stone ozone diffuser aerator .5um with 1/4” MFL – HENGKO Detail:

Lebitso la Sehlahiswa        Tlhaloso
SFt11 D5/8''*H3'' .5um le 1/4'' MFL

Li-diffuser tsa majoe a sintered li atisa ho sebelisoa bakeng sa kabo ea khase le moea oa moea.Li na le mefuta e mengata ea boholo ba pore ho tloha ho li-micron tse 0,2 ho isa ho tse 120 tse lumellang li-bubble tse nyane ho phalla ho eona.Li ka sebelisoa bakeng sa phetisetso ea khase, ho hlahisa lipompo tse ngata tse ntle, tse ts'oanang tse sebelisoang hangata bakeng sa kalafo ea metsi a litšila, ho hlobola ha metsi le ente ea mouoane.Ka sebaka se seholo sa ho kopana le khase / metsi, nako le molumo o hlokahalang ho qhala khase hore e be mokelikeli oa fokotseha.Sena se finyelloa ka ho fokotsa boholo ba bubble, e leng se hlahisang lipululana tse ngata tse nyenyane tse tsamaeang butle tse hlahisang keketseho e kholo ea ho monya.


SFT11 Sintered 316L stainless steel micro bubble air stone ozone diffuser aerator .5um with 1/4'' MFL

Pontšo ea Sehlahisoa

sintered diffusion stone
jenereithara e nyane ea bubbleDSC_1601

Sintered 316L tšepe e sa hloekang e nyenyane bubble moea lejoe ozone diffuser aerator 0.5um le 1/4'' MFL



E khothalelitsoe haholo



Q4.O fana ka litšebeletso tsa OEM/ODM?

--Ehlile, ke amohelehile haholo.


Litšoantšo tsa lintlha tsa sehlahisoa:

Aeration Wand - SFT11 Sintered 316L stainless steel micro bubble airstone ozone diffuser aerator .5um with 1/4” MFL – HENGKO details pictures

Aeration Wand - SFT11 Sintered 316L stainless steel micro bubble airstone ozone diffuser aerator .5um with 1/4” MFL – HENGKO details pictures

Aeration Wand - SFT11 Sintered 316L stainless steel micro bubble airstone ozone diffuser aerator .5um with 1/4” MFL – HENGKO details pictures

Aeration Wand - SFT11 Sintered 316L stainless steel micro bubble airstone ozone diffuser aerator .5um with 1/4” MFL – HENGKO details pictures

Tataiso e Amanang ea Sehlahisoa:

Hona joale re na le setsebi, basebetsi ba sebetsang hantle ho fana ka k'hamphani ea boleng bo botle bakeng sa bareki ba rona.Ka tloaelo re latela melao-motheo e shebaneng le bareki, e shebaneng le lintlha tse mabapi le Aeration Wand - SFT11 Sintered 316L tšepe e sa jeleng paate e nyenyane ea moea oa ozone diffuser aerator .5um e nang le 1/4” MFL – HENGKO, Sehlahisoa se tla fana ka thepa lefatšeng ka bophara, tse kang: Johor , Grenada , Sri Lanka , Sehlahisoa se seng le se seng se entsoe ka hloko, se tla etsa hore u khotsofale.Lihlahisoa tsa rona ts'ebetsong ea tlhahiso li behiloe leihlo ka thata, hobane ke feela ho u fa boleng bo holimo, re tla ikutloa re le sebete.Litšenyehelo tse phahameng tsa tlhahiso empa theko e tlase bakeng sa tšebelisano ea rona ea nako e telele.U ka ba le likhetho tse fapaneng mme boleng ba mefuta eohle bo ts'epahala.Haeba u na le potso, u seke oa tsilatsila ho re botsa.
  • Boleng ba lihlahisoa bo botle haholo, haholo-holo ka lintlha tse qaqileng, ho ka bonoa hore k'hamphani e sebetsa ka mafolofolo ho khotsofatsa thahasello ea bareki, mofani oa thepa e ntle.Linaleli tse 5 Ka Jason oa Botswana - 2016.08.21 14:13
    Re lula re lumela hore lintlha li etsa qeto ea boleng ba sehlahisoa sa k'hamphani, ntlheng ena, k'hamphani e lumellana le litlhoko tsa rona mme thepa e fihlela litebello tsa rona.Linaleli tse 5 Ka Alex ho tsoa Amman - 2016.06.19 13:51

    Lihlahisoa tse Amanang